Help us
to build an Islamic Centre in Germany
Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBEL e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBE e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!
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Help us
to build an Islamic Centre in Germany
Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBEL e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBE e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!
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Help us
to build an Islamic Centre in Germany
Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBEL e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!Islamisches Kultur und Bildungszentrum Eidelstedt e.V. (IKBE e.V.), is not just an Islamic Center but a complete model community center for the Muslim Community in Eidelstedt, Hamburg. Help us build a bright future!
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A Holistic Islamic Center and Hub for Religious and Contemporary Knowledge

Our Vision

IKBE envisions to provide comprehensive Islamic education alongside modern learning to Muslims in Germany and Europe, fostering a strong connection to faith and heritage. Despite the presence of mosques, there remains a significant need for daily Islamic education, leading to generational disconnection from religious roots. IKBE is committed to bridging this gap through robust educational programs that empower individuals to embrace Islamic teachings while excelling academically.

Our Mission

IKBE is committed to providing comprehensive Islamic education integrated with modern knowledge to empower Muslims in Germany and Europe spiritually, academically, and socially. We aim to bridge the gap in daily Islamic education by offering programs that deepen understanding of faith while fostering community cohesion and promoting interfaith dialogue.

Our Aim

IKBE aims is to establish a multifaceted institution that serves as a cornerstone for the Muslim community in Germany. Our primary objectives include:
1. Mosque
2. Madrasa
3. Library
4. Community Center

Our Projects

Developing a Holistic Islamic Center

Mosques For Everyone

We aspire to create a welcoming and inclusive mosque where Muslims can gather for prayers, religious lectures, and community events.

The Door to Knowledge and Success

We aspire to create a welcoming and inclusive mosque where Muslims can gather for prayers, religious lectures, and community events.

Books the Best Friend of A Man

We seek to develop a resourceful library containing Islamic literature, scholarly works, and educational materials to promote research, learning, and intellectual development within our community.

A Center for Muslim Brotherhood

We aim to establish a sports and community center that facilitates physical activity, recreational programs, and social gatherings, promoting among our member a healthy and active lifestyle.

Active Compaign

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Ein Kauf eines Gebäudes für eine Masjid

As-Salamu Alaikum liebe Brüder und Schwestern,

Wir sind die Gemeinde von Masjid Al-Iman in Wedel.
Wedel liegt ca 20 Km von Hamburg entfernt und gehört Bundesland Schleswig Hosltein.
Wir stehen vor einem bedeutenden Meilenstein im Kauf unserer Moschee.
Der Gesandter Allah s.a sagt : „Wer für Allah eine Moschee baut, dem wird Allah ein Haus
im Paradies bauen!“
Für diejenigen die mit Allah Handel betreiben wollen! Dies ist eine gewaltige Chance für

41 donations

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Our New Masjid

The mosque Abubaker R.A. is being constructed by IKBEL will prove a model for the Muslim community across Germany. With a separate section dedicated for women and an affiliated Madrasa, our mosque will become a center for knowledge and education.

Latest Updates

Foundation Stone of the Mosque
Our founders and the community in Hamburg join hands to lay the foundation of the Mosque. The mosque will provide space to the community to offer prayer, education, and for family programs with frequent get togethers, like celebrating Eid events.

Donation at Hambrug

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Donation in City

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Volunteer Meeting

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,



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Childhood Development

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula est euripidis hinc


Community Center

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula est euripidis hinc


Much Needed Help

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula est euripidis hinc

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